Drawing Made Easy Workshops – Gold Coast
All workshops are now incorporated into 3 1/2 hour long art classes only $30
Art workshops are targeted to art interested individuals who want to learn, or simply find out more about a specific drawing technique in a intensive and reasonable short fun time.
Many Artists, even so they may have painted for many years, know there is always something new to learn or to add or strengthen a specific skill or technique.
Perspective drawing is one of the subjects many artists shy away from, and understandable so. Perspective is highly technical and seems not to go along with intuitive creativity. On the other hand it is just like any other drawing or painting related technique, before one can use a technique creatively, it has to be understood and mastered to be used naturally and without switching your mind back to the analytical left side brain function.
Interestingly enough, perspective is not as complicated as many artists or design related people may think. Learning perspective from a textbook indeed seems hopeless, there are just to many lines :-).
However learning perspective from an artist, and concentrate learning on what actually works, will make all the difference. Learning about it is entertaining and rewarding. It is a most valuable skill for every artist to have, and in fact it is hard to be without that knowledge.
The principles of perspective are neither boring nor complicated, but refreshingly fun once the basic concept has become second nature.
Giselle’s unique ability to render complicated matter simple, coupled with a down to earth, individual and practical teaching style, and drawing on her lifetime of experience qualifies her as a professional artist who loves sharing her knowledge.
Portrait drawing, is another drawing made easy workshop, where You will learn how to draw a portrait, including pencil, stub and eraser techniques to achieve a realistic outcome.
More specific drawing workshops and techniques will be considered, feel free to suggest some topics.